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Friday's Letters: Vol One


Dear Blog, I have a lot of plans in store for you. From weekly wedding recaps, to link ups, to newlywed life, and so forth. But first I need to learn how to make a watermark and resize pictures in Photoshop. I also need to do some cleaning up and organizing. Please bare with me! Dear Michigan, I will be home in two weeks! I miss your residents (my family & friends), Panera, shopping, Target, and oh just about everything else. I'm ready for all the new adventures! Dear GRE, please, pretty please be easy on me next Saturday. I am absolutely terrified of you. I've never done well on standardized exams and a lot is riding this! Dear Football Season,  welcome back! I can't wait to spend every Sunday cheering on my Pats! Dear Husband, I adore you. Thank you for always putting up with me and loving me no matter what. We have a beautiful life ahead of us!

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